Goin’ Legit, Blog launched June 2011

About the “360 blog”

I have finally “arrived” now that I’ve got an Official WordPress Blog installed on my site.  That’s right, I now can pontificate and write my useless musings down anytime I want – and here’s the kicker – I can refer to myself as a “published” author! Oh yeah, and if I can bother to remember and post even a few pseudo-plagiarized thoughts, then I think I’ve somehow legitimized myself.  I’ll turn up in search engines, blog-rolls, facebook, and the social media will just take me over.  (So I guess you can tell I’ve resisted this due to a few bad-mannered narcissistic blogs out there)

If I’m “published,” does that mean I get to quote myself? I mean, I’m bound to say some pretty smart things that I think are original. I was wondering if that was ok and, rest assured, it is. Because some other guy on a Blog said so! In a serious article, self-proclaimed “expert author” Scott Ginsberg published If You Don’t Quote Yourself, – Nobody Else Will.

Here’s one of his handy practical tips:

“In your writings, don’t hesitate to quote yourself. Use ownership phrases like, “As I always say,” “My philosophy is,” and “I always tell my readers/audience members.”

Now that we’ve cleared the way and made it acceptable for solo-back-slapping navel-gazing, you too can become famous simply by commenting on this! It’s beautiful – and as I always say (starting now), just surround your most amusing thoughts with some quotes and call it good.

Ok, so you’ve picked up on the 360 blog theme: where business meets technology and then get’s smothered in satire (or sarcasm) as my personal outlet from trying to act serious at work for a few hours each day.
